Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Efectos de la actividad física sobre el rendimiento académico y/o la capacidad cognitiva 

      Acevedo Salazar, Cristian David; Gil Londoño, Edward; Londoño Cruz, Stefany; Mosquera Rivas, Jhon Sebastián; Valencia Tobar, Víctor Emiro (Unidad Central del Valle del CaucaMedicinaFacultad Ciencias de la SaludTuluá, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 2021-02-08)
      Physical activity is a measure used to improve the physical and mental conditions of people, the benefits it brings are widely documented and established, When reviewing the physiology of physical activity is found ...

      Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca - Carrera 27A No. 48 - 144 - Tulua - Valle del Cauca - Colombia - Tel: +57 (60 2) 2242202 ext. 159 |  Contact Us

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