Factores de respuesta y desempeño académico resiliente en estudiantes de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Moderna de la ciudad de Tuluá, Valle del Cauca
This research addressed the issue of response factors and resilient academic
performance in high school students, grade 8-5, of the Institución Educativa
Moderna, sede Central, in the city of Tuluá, Valle del Cauca. In order to evaluate,
identify and recognize resilient situations and the evolution of the students who
lived them, 20 students were randomly selected, 12 girls and 8 boys, with the help
of the institution's teachers, managers and psychologists and a survey was carried
out to address these issues. The results showed that the majority of the students
went through death situations of one of their parents, followed by divorce from the
parents, and pregnancy, drug addiction and parents' travel abroad to a lesser
extent. Helped by the institutional team conformed by psychologist, parents and
teachers, academic performance was maintained in a large proportion of the cases
seen, as was school dropout. The investigation concluded that this fellowship by
the institutional team is essential for the positive performance shown by the
students of the grade 8-5 of the Institución Educativa Moderna, in the city of Tuluá,
and for their integral formation. It is recommended to reinforce the teaching, family
and psychological accompaniment to promote the academic improvement in these
Students. La presente investigación abordó el tema de Factores de Resiliencia en
estudiantes de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Moderna, de la ciudad de
Tuluá, Valle del Cauca. Con el objetivo de identificar y reconocer situaciones
Resilientes de los estudiantes que las viven; se seleccionaron 20 estudiantes del
grado 8-5, con ayuda de los docentes, directivas y psicólogos de la institución y se
aplicó una escala de factores de Resiliencia donde se abordan estos temas. Los
resultados demostraron que la mayoría de los estudiantes, aunque han vivido
diferentes situaciones que los han marcado en su diario vivir como, por ejemplo:
La muerte de alguno de sus padres, abandono, divorcios, embarazos no
deseados, drogadicción, robo continúo en sus hogares, venta de estupefacientes
en sus casas, viaje de los padres al exterior, entre otros, son educandos que
poseen los factores de Resiliencia dando buen manejo a ello y obteniendo buenos
ilustraciones, gráficos, tablas