Improvement of the reading comprehension of ICFES type tests through the enhancemen of vocabulary in the Julian Trujillo School

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Pabón Orozco, Claudia Lorena
De la Cruz Gordillo, Carlos Manuel
Improvement of the reading comprehension of ICFES type tests through the enhancement of vocabulary in the Julian Trujillo School is a study based on the affectation performed on eleventh grade students at the Julian Trujillo School intending to lead them to getting higher scores in the results of the ICFES SABER 11 test, particularly on the segments related to the management of vocabulary in context. This study was performed taking into account the strategies developed by the theoretician Jeremy Harmer in his work ―The Practice of English Language Teaching‖, and articulating them with the techniques developed by Tulia Porto de Cubillos in the booklet ―Getting Ready for ICFES‖. The main objective established for this project looked for the improvement of the reading comprehension of students for answering the ICFES test through the usage of vocabulary in context enhancement.
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