The effect of audio lingual method to strengthen oral interaction in french languaje competence through role plays in tenth graders
Nowadays, the necessity of speaking another language lies on the demand of the ability
to communicate fluently with native or non-native in foreign language speakers. So, the
goals of this project was to promote communicative abilities to foster students learninga
foreign language thatwas the basis of this project named“the effect of audio
lingual method to strengthenoral interaction in French language competence
through role plays in tenth graders” to be developed at Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo a
public Institution in Tuluá city.
Currently, in Colombia the teaching of French as a foreign language is taken up again
according to Cultural Cooperation Agreement between the Minister of National
Education in Colombia and the French ambassador to Colombia signed in Bogotá on
March 18th, 2010, which was stated to develop a plan for language training and teaching
methodology for French teachers in formal educational establishments. Consequently,
this project aimed to respond to aforementioned agreement taking into account the
necessities concerning students in higher grades, in this particular case the tenth grade
students of Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo School, located in Tuluá city, these students have
not had any contact with the French language, since French language has not been
taught for more than two decades.
ilustraciones, gráficos, tablas