Planificación del sistema de gestión integrado bajo los requisitos de las Normas NTC-ISO 9001:2008, NTC-ISO 14001:2004 y NTC-OHSAS 18001:2007 para la Empresa Grafiartes LTDA, en la Ciudad de Tuluá Valle del Cauca, Durante el 2013
The purpose of this project is to plan under the rules NTC -ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and NTC
NTC- OHSAS 18001:2007, the Integrated Management System (IMS) as the first component of the
PDCA cycle, for the Grafiartes company Ltd., located in the city of Tuluá, Valle del Cauca.
Consideration was given to models of management systems integration of other enterprises, facilitating
plan properly integrated management system.
We performed an initial diagnosis of the organization in the System Safety and Health at Work, and in
the Quality System and Environmental System, structuring a global schema through the PDCA cycle,
characterizing all processes that the company and identifying risks and its impacts, also became a
cost-benefit analysis to qualify and quantify benefits whether or not the implementation of the project.
The project generated the following results: The flowchart and characterization of production processes,
administrative and operational qualification of initial diagnosis, integrated policy definition in the three
mentioned systems, building contingency plans and the commitment to continuous improvement through
Objectives, targets and programs involved, verification indicators.
With arrays of evaluation, analysis , identification, assessment and characterization of the most important
aspects , the costs were estimated that implementation of the project, which would mean significant
benefits as it will allow the company Grafiartes Ltda more optimal ordering its activities and processes,
heading to obtain better results than the current , providing the continuous process of certification of
the company in the three mentioned systems, an integrated, enabling him strengthening , increased
competitiveness and better coverage in the market in which participates .
In conclusion , planning the integrated management system designed , will allow the company Grafiartes
Ltd., heading in a process that will allow you to evolve and better organizational development, better
regulating all activities , integrating , correlating and connected, the management activities between
The three management systems. El objeto general de este proyecto es planificar bajo las normas NTC-ISO 9001:2008, NTC-ISO 14001:2004 y NTC-OHSAS 18001:2007, el
Sistema de Gestión Integrado (SGI), como primer componente del ciclo PHVA, para la empresa Grafiartes Ltda., ubicada en la ciudad de
Tuluá, Valle del Cauca.
Se tuvo en cuenta modelos de integración de sistemas de gestión de otras empresas, lo que facilitó planificar adecuadamente el sistema
de gestión integral.
Se realizó un diagnóstico inicial de la organización en el Sistema de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, como en el Sistema de Calidad
y Ambiental, estructurando un esquema global, mediante el ciclo PHVA, caracterizando todos los procesos que tiene la empresa e
identificando riesgos y sus impactos; también se hizo un análisis costo-beneficio para cualificar y cuantificar si hay o no beneficios
con la implementación del proyecto.
El proyecto generó como resultados: El diagrama de flujo y la caracterización de los procesos productivos, administrativos y
operativos, calificación del diagnostico inicial, definición de la política integrada en los tres sistemas referidos, construyendo planes
de contingencia, así como el compromiso de mejora continua, a través de objetivos, metas y programas que se plantean, con
indicadores de verificación.
ilustraciones, gráficos, tablas
- Ingeniería Industrial [304]