Implementation of a didactic unit based on CLIL applied to natural sicence to improve english vocabulary learning of fourth and fifth grades students at Andres Bello School

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Ospina Castaño, Michael Jeanpierre
Díaz Zuñiga, Luisa Fernanda
This research aimed to analyze the implementation of a didactic unit based on CLIL
applied to Natural Science to improve vocabulary learning in fourth and fifth graders at
Andres Bello School in San Pedro, Valle del Cauca. To do so, the qualitative approach was
used, with a multiple-case design proposed by Stake (1998) which gave the methodological
route to follow in the research design. Firstly, a diagnostic test was applied to 6 students in
the fourth and fifth grades of Instituciòn Educativa Miguel Antonio Caro headquarters
Andres Bello to identify the English vocabulary level, which yielded unsatisfactory results.
Secondly, the implementation of the didactic unit began, where students carried out
different activities to improve English vocabulary acquisition, giving more positive results.
The observation of these activities was written in field diaries, and because of that, it was
possible to determine diverse categories that allowed a better understanding of the
phenomenon. At the end, students were evaluated with a post-test. These results showed an
improvement in this sub-skill.
ilustraciones, gráficos, tablas